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The Gallup family arrived in this country in 1630 aboard the ship Mary and John.  The Gallup poll was created by a member of this family, the town Gallup, NM was named for a family member as well.  This family lived in Connecticut and Massachusetts primarily, and our particular line moved to New York state after the Revolutionary War.  The Gallup surname is spelled in many ways, such as:   Gallop, Gallup, or Galloupe.  This family has been an integral part of this country's history.  Its members have participated in the early colonial wars, the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Civil War, World War I, World War II, Korea, and Vietnam.   We are only posting our direct line.  If you are interested in additional info about the Gallup family please check out the Gallup Home .  It has a great deal more info as well as photographs of several old Gallup gravestones. The complete Gallup file contains over 13,000 individuals and traces back to about 250 B.C.  (It traces this line back through the maternal line of Hannah Lake.)  If you would like more information than what we have here...we would be pleased to share information.

Descendants of John GOLLOP

  • Generation No. 1

1. JOHN1 GOLLOP was born 1465. He married ALICE TEMPLE, daughter of WILLIAM TEMPLE.


2. i. JOHN2 GOLLOP, b. North Bowood and Temple, County Dorset , England; d. 1533.

  • Generation No. 2

2. JOHN2 GOLLOP (JOHN1) was born in North Bowood and Temple, County Dorset , England, and died 1533. He married JOAN COLLINS.


3. i. THOMAS3 GOLLOP, b. 1530, North Bowood, England; d. April 08, 1610.

  • Generation No. 3

3. THOMAS3 GOLLOP (JOHN2, JOHN1) was born 1530 in North Bowood, England, and died April 08, 1610. He married AGNETA WATKINS, daughter of HUMPHREY WATKINS and CATHERINE WATKINS.



  • Generation No. 4

4. JOHN4 GOLLOP (THOMAS3, JOHN2, JOHN1). He married MARY CRABBE Abt. 1590.


5. i. JOHN5 GALLOP, b. Abt. 1591, Mosterne, County Dorset, England; d. July 27, 1655, Boston, MA.

  • Generation No. 5

5. JOHN5 GALLOP (JOHN4 GOLLOP, THOMAS3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1591 in Mosterne, County Dorset, England, and died July 27, 1655 in Boston, MA. He married CHRISTOBEL BRUSCHETT January 16, 1616/17 in Bridgeport, England, daughter of EDMUND BRUSCHETT and EMMA NICHOLS.

John Gallop set sail for Boston on March 20, 1630 on the MARY and JOHN, part of the Winthrop Fleet, captained by Thomas Chubb. The reason for his departure is speculation; conceivable he may have wished to explore the possibilities of settling in New England. Upon arriving in New England, John Gallop settled in Boston and was one the earliest grantees of land in the northern part of town, where he had wharf rights and a house. The locality was known as Gallop's Point and was the southeast part of the peninsular. He acquired a ship and was engaged in coastal trade and , on occasion, served as pilot for ships entering Boston harbor.

His wife and children had not accompanied him on his trip to the New World. Apparently Christobel hesitated to undertake a long and uncertain sea voyage to an undisclosed country, in spite of urgent encouragement by her husband. "John Gallop was so concerned that he contemplated returning to England. he had become an important man in the colony and this disturbed Governor Winthrop who wrote to the great Puritan leader, the Rev. John White in Dorchester:

I have much difficultye to keep John Gallop here by reason of his wife will not come.

I marvayle at the woman's weaknesse. I pray pursuade her and further her coming by all means. If she will come, let her have the remainder of his wages; if not, let it be bestowed to bring over his childre, if so he desires. It would be about 40 pounds losse to him to come for her.

Your assured in the Lord's worke,

Massachusetts, July 4, 1632

J. Winthrop.

The Rev. Mr. White evidently persuaded Mrs. Gallop and successfully furthered her coming. She and the children arrived on Sept. 4, 1633 on the GRIFFIN, after an eight weeks' crossing; her husband piloted the ship into Boston Harbor thru a new channel he had discovered, the channel running close by Lovell's Island, a quarter of a mile east of his Gallop's Island. John Gallop was a pioneer in the vitally important coastal trade between Massachusetts, Rhode island and Connecticut. On Dec. 6, 1632, Gallop and his vessel were engaged by the Massachusetts Magistrates for the first naval task force sent out by any New England Colony.


6. i. JOHN6 GALLOP, b. Abt. 1620, England; d. December 19, 1675, Narragansett Fort, South Kingston, RI.

  • Generation No. 6

6. JOHN6 GALLOP (JOHN5, JOHN4 GOLLOP, THOMAS3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1620 in England, and died December 19, 1675 in Narragansett Fort, South Kingston, RI. He married HANNAH LAKE (See "Our Royal Line" for more info) Abt. 1643 in Boston, MA, daughter of JOHN LAKE and MARY READE.

He arrived in this country with his mother, brothers, and sister, Joan on Sept. 4, 1633. Early on, he engaged in the coastwise trade with his father. in 1637, he took part in the Pequot War with Massachusetts forces. John Gallop acted as an Indian interpreter and was a Captain of First Company of the Connecticut forces under Maj. Robert Treat at the Great Swamp Fight at Narragansett, RI., Dec. 19, 1675 and was one of the six captains who fell in storming the fort. The General Court made a large land grant to his widow in recognition of his service and her loss.

Children of JOHN GALLOP and HANNAH LAKE are:

7. i. JOHN7 GALLUP III, b. September 1646, Boston, MA; d. April 14, 1735, Stonington, CT ?.

8. ii. BENADAM GALLUP, b. 1655, Stonington, CT; d. August 02, 1727, Stonington, CT.

  • Generation No. 7

7. JOHN7 GALLUP III (JOHN6 GALLOP, JOHN5, JOHN4 GOLLOP, THOMAS3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born September 1646 in Boston, MA, and died April 14, 1735 in Stonington, CT ?. He married ELIZABETH HARRIS 1675, daughter of THOMAS HARRIS and MARTHA LAKE.

John Gallup was with his father in the Swamp Fight at Narragansett and participated in King Philip's War. He was also a renowned Indian interpreter.


9. i. NATHANIEL8 GALLUP, b. Abt. 1692, Stonington, CT; d. April 03, 1738, Stonington, CT.

8. BENADAM7 GALLUP (JOHN6 GALLOP, JOHN5, JOHN4 GOLLOP, THOMAS3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born 1655 in Stonington, CT, and died August 02, 1727 in Stonington, CT. He married HESTER PRENTICE Abt. 1682 in Stonington, CT, daughter of JOHN PRENTICE and ESTHER NICHOLS.


10. i. LIEUT. BENADAM8 GALLUP, JR., b. April 18, 1693, Groton, CT; d. September 30, 1755, Ledyard, CT.

11. ii. MARGARET GALLUP, b. May 11, 1698, Stonington, CT; d. March 02, 1761, Stonington, CT.

  • Generation No. 8

9. NATHANIEL8 GALLUP (JOHN7, JOHN6 GALLOP, JOHN5, JOHN4 GOLLOP, THOMAS3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1692 in Stonington, CT, and died April 03, 1738 in Stonington, CT. He married MARGARET GALLUP June 04, 1717 in Stonington, CT, daughter of BENADAM GALLUP and HESTER PRENTICE.


12. i. NATHANIEL9 GALLUP, b. April 29, 1718, Stonington, CT; d. January 11, 1786, Stonington, CT.

10. LIEUT. BENADAM8 GALLUP, JR. (BENADAM7, JOHN6 GALLOP, JOHN5, JOHN4 GOLLOP, THOMAS3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born April 18, 1693 in Groton, CT, and died September 30, 1755 in Ledyard, CT. He married EUNICE COBB January 11, 1715/16, daughter of HENRY COBB and LOIS HALLETT. (See Mayflower Pages for more info)


13. i. COL. NATHAN9 GALLUP, b. November 13, 1727, Groton, CT; d. January 19, 1799, Ledyard, CT.

11. MARGARET8 GALLUP (BENADAM7, JOHN6 GALLOP, JOHN5, JOHN4 GOLLOP, THOMAS3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born May 11, 1698 in Stonington, CT, and died March 02, 1761 in Stonington, CT. She married NATHANIEL GALLUP June 04, 1717 in Stonington, CT, son of JOHN GALLUP and ELIZABETH HARRIS.


12. i. NATHANIEL9 GALLUP, b. April 29, 1718, Stonington, CT; d. January 11, 1786, Stonington, CT.

  • Generation No. 9

12. NATHANIEL9 GALLUP (NATHANIEL8, JOHN7, JOHN6 GALLOP, JOHN5, JOHN4 GOLLOP, THOMAS3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born April 29, 1718 in Stonington, CT, and died January 11, 1786 in Stonington, CT. He married HANNAH GORE November 24, 1742, daughter of SAMUEL GORE and HANNAH DRAPER.

Notes for HANNAH GORE:  Her ancestors were among the founders and early officers of Harvard College.


14. i. SILAS10 GALLUP, b. March 09, 1748/49, Stonington, CT; d. October 28, 1796, Knox, Albany Co., NY.

13. COL. NATHAN9 GALLUP (LIEUT. BENADAM8, BENADAM7, JOHN6 GALLOP, JOHN5, JOHN4 GOLLOP, THOMAS3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born November 13, 1727 in Groton, CT, and died January 19, 1799 in Ledyard, CT. He married SARAH GIDDINGS May 25, 1749 in Ledyard, CT.

Notes for COL. NATHAN GALLUP:  He was stationed at Ft. Griswold in 1779, served in Lieut. Col. Sullivan's Expedition to RI in 1778. He was appointed Col. and commander of the 27th "reg of foot" by Gov. Jonathan Trumball in 1780.


15. i. SARAH10 GALLUP, b. December 29, 1751, Ledyard, CT ?; d. August 18, 1799, Knox, Albany Co., NY.

  • Generation No. 10

14. SILAS10 GALLUP (NATHANIEL9, NATHANIEL8, JOHN7, JOHN6 GALLOP, JOHN5, JOHN4 GOLLOP, THOMAS3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born March 09, 1748/49 in Stonington, CT, and died October 28, 1796 in Knox, Albany Co., NY. He married SARAH GALLUP January 13, 1774 in Stonington, CT ?, daughter of COL. GALLUP and SARAH GIDDINGS.

Notes for SILAS GALLUP:  After the close of the Revolutionary War, Silas with his brothers Levi, Samuel, Ezra, and their cousin John Gallup and several other families from the towns of Groton and Stonington, Connecticut moved to Albany County, NY and established the towns of Knox and Berne, NY.


16. i. EBENEZER11 GALLUP, b. September 25, 1795, Middleburgh, Schnectady Co., NY; d. September 25, 1865, Middleburgh, Schnectady Co., NY.

15. SARAH10 GALLUP (COL. NATHAN9, LIEUT. BENADAM8, BENADAM7, JOHN6 GALLOP, JOHN5, JOHN4 GOLLOP, THOMAS3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born December 29, 1751 in Ledyard, CT ?, and died August 18, 1799 in Knox, Albany Co., NY. She married SILAS GALLUP January 13, 1774 in Stonington, CT ?, son of NATHANIEL GALLUP and HANNAH GORE.


16. i. EBENEZER11 GALLUP, b. September 25, 1795, Middleburgh, Schnectady Co., NY; d. September 25, 1865, Middleburgh, Schnectady Co., NY.

  • Generation No. 11

16. EBENEZER11 GALLUP (SILAS10, NATHANIEL9, NATHANIEL8, JOHN7, JOHN6 GALLOP, JOHN5, JOHN4 GOLLOP, THOMAS3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born September 25, 1795 in Middleburgh, Schnectady Co., NY, and died September 25, 1865 in Middleburgh, Schnectady Co., NY. He married SUSAN HARDEN November 19, 1826 in Middleburgh, Schnectady Co., NY.

Child of Ebenezer GALLUP and SUSAN HARDEN is:

17. i. SILAS12 GALLUP, b. August 02, 1831, Middleburgh, Schnectady Co., NY; d. September 1897, Lyons, Burt Co., NE.

  • Generation No. 12

17. SILAS12 GALLUP (EBENEZER11, SILAS10, NATHANIEL9, NATHANIEL8, JOHN7, JOHN6 GALLOP, JOHN5, JOHN4 GOLLOP, THOMAS3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born August 02, 1831 in Middleburgh, Schnectady Co., NY, and died September 1897 in Lyons, Burt Co., NE. He married PHOEBE ANN MONTANYE February 12, 1859 in Duanesburg, Schnectady Co., NY ?, daughter of ABRAM MONTANYE and HANNAH CONOVER.

Notes for SILAS GALLUP:  Silas was a New England schoolmaster. The Gallups were also residents in the Esperance area and the census states that Silas was a farmer, who married his student, Phebe Montanye, who was just 15. It was the custom for a couple to announce their marriage by ringing a bell. Silas and Phebe rang a bell but since no one paid attention, they kept their marriage a secret until the end of the school term.

Silas and Phebe Gallup moved to Lyons, Burt Co., NE, via train arriving Thanksgiving Day 1887. With them were their four youngest children. In Nebraska, they joined sons Albert, teaching school, and Allen, farming, and daughter Susan, also teaching. Silas had never enjoyed good health in New York. He had been advised by his brother James, of the healthful climate in Nebraska and so the family decided to moved to the Midwest. In both New York and Nebraska, Silas made and sold Gallup's Salve. The recipe had been handed down in the family through his father, Ebenezer.


18. i. EDITH PHOEBE13 GALLUP, b. January 28, 1860, Duanesburg, Schnectady Co., NY; d. January 08, 1908, Duanesburg, Schnectady Co., NY.

  • Generation No. 13

18. EDITH PHOEBE13 GALLUP (SILAS12, EBENEZER11, SILAS10, NATHANIEL9, NATHANIEL8, JOHN7, JOHN6 GALLOP, JOHN5, JOHN4 GOLLOP, THOMAS3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born January 28, 1860 in Duanesburg, Schnectady Co., NY, and died January 08, 1908 in Duanesburg, Schnectady Co., NY. She married ORLANDO GAGE May 05, 1886 in Duanesburg, Schnectady Co., NY ?.

Notes for EDITH PHOEBE GALLUP:  Edith refused to join her family when they came out west in 1880's. In 1876, Custer had died by the hands of the Indians and she was afraid of them. She had a bad fall about a year before she died. She was unable to walk and was in a great deal of pain.

 Transcription of a letter written by Edith Gallup Gage to her mother, Phebe Montanye Gallup.

October 23, 1907

Dear Mother:

My twins are 13 years old today and a great deal of help to me. Monday night after school the girls washed a large washing besides getting supper. (I don't pretend to do anything only what I can do sitting down.) Tuesday morning they rinsed and starch the clothes done, did the morning work even to making beds and mopping and got things ready for dinner. They backed (2 apple pies) and got to school in time they were up at half past four. Orlando killed 5 pigs yesterday, 4 for market. They only dressed 102 lbs. a price. We kept one, sold them at Esperance and got 9 cents a lbs. They were late pigs, the last of April and only skim milk, so it was not so bad. He thrashed in the afternoon, earning $5 and moved his machine today. He is digging potatoes for us. He won't have any nuts to send to send you as the squirrels and friends of ours are taking them when the children are gone. Orlando is away thrashing and I can't stop them. I can only teeter backward and forward when I try to walk so I don't try much any more, the sides, back, and belly burns like fire when I try although the flesh feels ice cold, Orlando says, when you touch it. I do not feel heat nor cold just comfortable when I lay still that is something to be thankful and I do not worry. It will be and is all for the best.

I hope you are better. Here is a slip of a pretty red geranium. It is near time for the mail so I must quit with love to all.


 Children of EDITH GALLUP and ORLANDO GAGE are:

i. ALLEN G.14 GAGE, b. 1888, Esperance, Montgomery Co., NY; d. 1890, Esperance, Montgomery Co., NY.

Notes for ALLEN G. GAGE:  Died in a walker while walking under a table. He hit his head on a nail.

ii. ORA SILAS GAGE, b. April 05, 1892, Esperance, Montgomery Co., NY; d. December 30, 1990, Canby, Clackamas Co., OR; m. FLORENCE CHRISTINA SHAWVER, September 04, 1917, Lyons, Burt Co., NE.

iii. PETER A. GAGE, b. October 23, 1894, Esperance, Montgomery Co., NY; d. November 11, 1983; m. LIZZIE MATHIESON.

iv. PHEBE MARGARET GAGE, b. October 23, 1894, Esperance, Montgomery Co., NY; d. July 18, 1977; m. AUGUST PETERSON.

v. ALICE IRENE GAGE, b. March 29, 1896; d. October 14, 1977; m. HOWARD FREY.


Please drop us a line if you would like more information or would like to comment on our page.

 Carmen M. Johnson

This page updated 01/07/06